Respite Care
Personal care
Meal assistance
Light housekeeping chores
Dealing with Dementia
Dealing with Dementia Behaviors was developed by the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving and it provides strategies for caregivers on best practices for self-care as well as caring for the person diagnosed. Trainings are provided in person over a four hour period or can be provided one on one by our Case Manager.
Benjamin Rose Institute (BRI) Care Consultation
Three Rivers AAA contracts with Middle GA AAA to provide BRI Care Consultation for family caregivers and individuals with chronic medical conditions. BRI Care Consultation is an evidenced based coaching program designed to increase the awareness and use of community resources, provide health and wellness information, and strengthen the family care network. The program has demonstrated several positive outcomes including a reduction in caregiver and individual stress, reduce unmet need, and fewer emergency room visits and hospital readmissions.