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In addition to transit, the Three Rivers Regional Commission has many other functions related to transportation planning, including traffic remediation plans, planning for non-motorized transportation methods, and helping local governments administer transportation projects.

Urban Transportation Planning

The Three Rivers Regional Commission supports Carroll, Coweta, Pike and Spalding counties with Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) transportation planning coordination. The TRRC maintains a presence on these committees to remain available to the local governments if they need technical guidance, to assist in additional transportation planning when asked, or to provide regional transportation updates as they become available.

Urban Planning Activities:

  • Participates in metropolitan planning organization (MPO) activities relevant to the TRRC region.
  • Represents the TRRC at various board and committee meetings, and all other transportation-related meetings
  • Participates, as needed or requested, on the 22-county Atlanta Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC)
  • Participates in specialized transportation studies related to transportation planning programs and projects
  • Coordinates regionally significant transportation projects with federal, state, and local staff and officials
  • Participates in local, state and regional transportation planning efforts

Regional and Rural Transportation Planning - Area Transportation Committees

The TRRC participates on Local Area Transportation Committees (LATCs) in Coweta, Lamar, Pike, Spalding, and Upson Counties. The TRRC also assists as needed to help its member governments create LATCs in counties that have a desire to form one. The purpose of the LATCs is to coordinate transportation, land use, and economic development planning activities to increase connectivity and mobility in each area.

Typical membership of an LATC includes county and city commissioners, transportation and transit planners, local airport managers, local school systems, post secondary educational institutions, law enforcement, emergency response managers, and other members of the community as deemed appropriate.

The meeting schedule of each existing LATC is listed below:

  • Butts County – 4th Thursday at 6 p.m. (monthly)
  • Coweta County – 3nd Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. (quarterly)
  • Lamar County – 1st Wednesday at 10 a.m. (monthly)
  • Pike County – 3rd Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. (quarterly)
  • Spalding County – 3rd Wednesday at 8:30 a.m.
  • Upson County – 3rd Wednesday at 8:30 a.m.

LATC meetings are open to the public, and there are opportunities for public comment. To attend meetings, please contact the appropriate county commission office, and that county can provide the next LATC meeting date.

Transportation Plans

The TRRC assists its member governments with conducting single or multi-county transportation plans, which include road, bridge, bicycle and pedestrian, and transit improvements for each study area. Transportation plans are conducted in collaboration with the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), the TRRC, and local governments within each study area. In recent years, the following local governments have completed single or multi-county transportation plans.

Transit Planning & Mobility Management

The TRRC is involved with transit planning activities at the local and regional levels. Transit Development Plans (TDPs) are developed to assess existing transit conditions where transit service exists, or to assess the need for transit service in areas that are not currently served by public transit. Each TDP consists of an executive summary, a demographic analysis, service goals, performance and demand analysis, and a four- to five-year capital outlay.

The TRRC’s Planning Staff and Mobility Manager brings together key community leaders, transportation service providers, planning organizations, and other stakeholder organizations within the TRRC’s 10- county region.  The Mobility Manager develops and distributes information that explains how to use the available resources in meeting diverse travel needs.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans

The TRRC has been an active participant in bicycle and pedestrian planning for its region. Bicycle and pedestrian plans have traditionally been performed by the TRRC’s Planning Department.

State and National
Transportation Activities

The TRRC participates with the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO), RPO America (Rural Planning Organizations), and the Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) in order to obtain training and tools to better assist our local governments with transportation planning issues.

The TRRC participates in statewide transit activities through the Georgia Transit Association (GTA), and the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia (ACCG) Transportation and Economic Development Committee on matters of local, regional, or statewide transportation policy.